Cleverscope Windows x64 Application Software.
CS302 Software Application
You use the Cleverscope application to set up the acquisition unit, visualize the captured signal, and do spectral analysis, protocol decoding and Maths processing. You can send signal values live to Excel, Matlab and Scilab for further analysis. You can Copy and Paste signals directly into Word or Excel with very low effort to document as you go. Save signals to disk, and email them to colleagues for later review. You can print hard copies as memory joggers. You can do Frequency Response Analysis (FRA). You can be sure that whatever information you save, it will be useful later.
The application runs under Windows x64. Any standard modern PC will be sufficient.
The application makes use of between 2 and 11 windows which can be placed anywhere on the display. Most windows can be resized as needed. The full window state is saved on exit, and restored when the application restarts. Saving a file in native format also saves the entire setup as well; so it is easy to save preset setups. When not used, windows are hidden. The two key windows are the Cleverscope Control Panel (which defines triggers, starts capture, and is used to run the menu system) and the Scope Display. The Scope sets the time and amplitude range of the captured signal, and includes markers for signal measurements.
Function | Description |
Displays | Simultaneous Scope, Tracking, Spectrum, Signal Information, Maths, XY, Control Panel, Protocol and Trigger setup Displays |
Linking | All the graphs can be linked to the current tracer position for tracking zoom, maths and spectrum displays. |
Graph features | All graphs include variable persistence, tracer, markers, annotations, user defined colours and units, graph size and location. The spectrum graph has log/linear axis. |
Copy and paste | All graphs, and signal information can be copy/pasted into Windows documents. |
All displays can be printed. | |
File | Signal data can be saved and opened as cleverscope, text or binary. The cleverscope format includes the complete display setup. |
File Actions | Files can be saved or opened manually, on a trigger, after a period of time, or initiated by Maths. |
Triggers | Define dual mixed signal triggers -filter, amplitude, slope, period between triggers, and trigger count. |
Capture Types | One shot triggered (-20 - 20 secs), continuous streaming (up to 100 G samples) |
Signal Information | Display DC, RMS, Max, Min, Pk-pk, Std Dev, Period, Frequency, Pulse Length, Duty Cycle, Harmonics, Sinad, THD and HD2-3. Log to a text or Excel file. Link live to Excel. |
Spectrum | Select span and resolution. Apply averaging. Log or linear. Select windowing function and spectrum type (RMS, power, power density, gain/phase). |
FRA | Use the Frequency Response Analyzer (FRA) panel to control capture and plotting of RMS, Gain/Phase, Impedance/Phase, Capacitance, ESR, Inductance and Quality Factor vs frequency. You can use FRA with live power supplies to measure power supply response and stability, ground and power plane impedance, and PSRR. Using persistence you can create a family of response curves for changing load or voltage. |
Maths | 10 arbitrary symbolic equations, large number of functions and processes, including filtering, integration, signal processing and signal generator control, Matlab live connect and file save. |
Protocol | Setup and decode SPI, I2C, Uart and Bus signals. |
Charting | Stream to disk at up to 1.5 MSPS continuously. Pan and zoom anywhere. |