CscopeDriver.dll documentation

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22 Nov 2006

Could the documentation of the CscopeDriver.dll get more details?
I'm missing the following aspects:
How to read multiple acquired frames ?
What does Samples Required mean when using peak detect or multiple frames ?
What does Replay mean in detail ? I read something about the CS328 using a ringbuffer - how can I navigate in this buffer. What happens if the acquisition is running during reading ?
Maybe a technical documentation of the memory management of the acquisition unit was helpful.

Thank you for your efforts!

2 Dec 2006
Posts: 481

Hello Swapro,
Sorry about the very long time taken to answer this. We will do something about the documentation and driver for this in the second week of December. The driver currently assumes that you want to look at the current frame.

Samples required is the total number of samples you want transferred back to your application, regardless of the decimation method, from the current frame. For example, say there are 1M samples in the current frame, and you ask for 10,000 samples, then 10,000 samples will be decimated out of the 1M samples by the decimation method, and returned.

There are two methods of returning samples: Acquire means start the sampler, wait for a trigger, and then return a decimated set that begins at the start of the Start Time and ends at the Stop Time. Replay means return decimated samples beginning at the ReplayStartTime and ending at the ReplayStopTime. This allows you to get samples over any time interval available in the sample set.

As an example you might acquire from -8ms to +12 ms. With 10ns resolution you have 2M samples. With acquire, you will return decimated samples from -8ms to +12 ms. With replay you might ask for samples from 8.23ms to 8.24ms, and you would get back samples for just the 10us interval starting at 8.23 ms after the trigger.

The ring buffer is invisible to you - the business of managing location and transfer of samples relative to the trigger is handled by software inside the acquisition unit. You navigate the buffer by using replay samples.

You can replay samples while the acquisition unit is waiting to acquire.

Good luck!

13 Apr 2007
Posts: 3

I am trying to capture with a resolution of 10ns a replay as long as possible (f.e. 16384 samples x 10ns = 163840 ns = 163.84 us).
This are the steps I am using:

1. Configure the CScope driver to acquire 20 ms from t=0 to t=0.02.
2. Acquire().
3. Check for samples to get the signal decimated (20 ms -> 16384 samples).
4. Config a replay for the first piece of the signal acquired -> tStart=0 s, tStop=0.00016384 s, SamplesRequired=16384.
5. Check for samples again to get the replayed piece.

In this last step I am getting 2048 samples with a dt=120 ns. And this is different than I hope to get.

Could you send me a code example to config the replay needed to get a resolution of 10ns?


8 Jun 2007

Hello Cleverscope developers,

I noticed a new CscopeDriver.dll on your web site. Does this driver support reading multiple frames ? If not: When will this feature be available ?

Thank you in advance for your reply.
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