Has the Hold-Off trigger function been replaced or removed?

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18 Feb 2007


I was trying to use the trigger holdoff while doing signal acquisition and could not find it in my trigger control panel. Also looking at the user manual, the holdoff window is shown but my panel does not show that. How do you set a holdoff time parameter?

Thank you for your help


22 Feb 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Carlos,
There is no hold-off function, we will update the user manual. It is much easier to use the dual trigger system to find exactly the time gap you are looking for, rather than using the hold off. See our Triggerering Tour in the Resource section (http://www.cleverscope.com/resources/ ). You set up the trigger 1 to trigger off some feature that signals the start of the event you want to capture. You set up trigger 2 to signal the end of the event you want to capture (it could be just the inverse of trigger 1, or a completely different trigger). Then you set the period over which you will accept a capture (either less than a value, in a period (min..max) or greater than a period). This will then capture the event you want. If you have problems, please explain what it is you want to capture.
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