Problem with CS700

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22 Feb 2007
Posts: 4


after waiting about 2 months for my Cleverscope (FW-Vers. 6405, 14.Feb.07) I was eager to test it.
First at all I displayed the waves of CS700. When I use square waves, I see a spike of 100ns width 1µs before rising edge of the signal.
This spike doesn't depend on the signal frequency. How can I avoid this? This will cause serious problems when I use the generator in digital applications!

There are no further problems at the moment, only the installation routine has a little problem.
After starting the software the 1st time I was asked for some DLL's, which are not copied to the program directory. I've copied them manually.

Best regards

22 Feb 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Eckart,
Thanks for waiting so long for the Cleverscope (Christmas is not a good time to make stuff in New Zealand!). You are right there is a spike, and it is due to a silly error on our part. We already have a firmware upgrade to fix it, but rather than post it, we would be grateful if you could wait one more day. (If others have firmware 6407 or 6408 it is fixed). We have a new firmware upgrade we want to post tomorrow, which includes a switchable 20/1 Mhz digital filter with bit resolution improvement (you get 11/12 bits after the filter), and also the trigger hi and low pass filters implemented. These require an application update, and we would just like to finish testing on that.

Please let us know which DLL's did not load, this was not expected. We shall have to make sure the installer is correct. Thanks for your help.

23 Feb 2007
Posts: 4

Hello Bart

thank you for the quick reply, I'll wait for the new firmware.

I've tested the installation again. Only QuickUsb.dll was missing at the first start of the cleverscope.exe.


23 Feb 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Eckart,
If you go to our resources page, ( and download the CS328/0A Update (23 Feb 2007), and then upgrade your acquisition unit using the Rom Loader, and loading cscope_pld 6408.bin, the problem will be fixed. You should also replace your existing cleverscope.exe with the one in the upgrade. There is no need to un-install. Thanks for the note on the dll, we also found the installer script did not copy this file. That has now been fixed. Thanks very much for your help.
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