CS328 and CS328A in 4-Channel Mode

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23 Feb 2007


I tried to use a CS328 and a CS328A as a 4-Channel scope but the CS328A is not recognized by the software. In 2-Channel mode both scopes work fine.

Best regards

Olaf Holthaus

23 Feb 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Olaf, you are completely right - we have not yet upgraded the 4 channel application. We plan to do this shortly, and to make it the new standard application. At the moment it's nearly 2 years old. In the meantime you can still capture 4 channels, by connecting a link cable between the two units, and using two copies of the latest application (which you will have received with your CD). Rename one of the copies to something else (eg cleverscope2.exe). Plug in both scopes. If you run 'Auto' on one of the applications it will connect to the CS328A first. Then click Auto on the other application and it will acquire the CSD328. If you set the Trigger Source on one of the applications to Link Input, it will slave to the other unit. In this way you can trigger off one unit, and capture on both units at the same time. You can arrange the two scope graphs to best see the waveforms. A bit clunky, but it works. One advantage is that you can run the two scopes with different timebases, sometimes useful! We will announce when we have a new 4 channel application running.

24 Feb 2007

Hello Bart,

thanks for your fast reply. I tried your solution but only the CS328A is acquired automaticaly by the application. The second instance of the application did not connect to the CS328. When I disconnect the CS328A from the PC, the CS328 is acquired by the application. After reconnecting the CS328A, the second instance of the application will acquire this scope and both scopes work fine. Is it possible to prevent disconnecting and reconnecting the CS328A? Do I have to use two identical scopes?

Best regards

Olaf Holthaus
rhcarter rhcarter

28 Feb 2007
Posts: 114

Hello Olaf,

apologies for the delay in responding, we have been scratching our heads on this one. We can not fix it immediately as it relates to a third party driver but have a solution for the interim. If you run a v3545 exe it will only find the CS328 and the v4602 will always find the CS328A first. There is no difference in the functionality of these versions; v4602 only added support for the USB 2.0 driver.

I am using this solution on my laptop to successfully run two Cleverscopes, one of each model. It does not matter which order you start the programmes, they will always link to the same unit.

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