reflashing CAU

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14 Mar 2007
Posts: 27

I went and downloaded the latest release from your website, but wrote (ooops) the wrong firmware into my CS328. The power light is now off. I live in the US and was wondering is Saelig can bit blast my unit for me?

moving to fast

14 Mar 2007

I think you should specify what firmware you downloaded into what scope. Maybe there is a way to recover/reflash the scope.

My question is:
Why would it be possible to download a wrong firmware?
The downloader should check for things like this (firmware compatibility) especially that it can get the scope's model number before the download.

14 Mar 2007
Posts: 27

I flashed my CS328 with cscope_pld 6409

14 Mar 2007
Posts: 481

Hello, the new ROM loader does check to see what unit is attached, and only reprograms with the correct file. Unfortunately the old ROM loader does not (there only being one binary at the time). So Gary has used the old ROM loader to load the new CS328A binary, and as the FPGA mappings are quite different, it's a dead cleverscope. Please make sure when you download an update that you move ALL the files into the Program Files/Cleverscope directory, and that way you will automatically use the latest set of tools. The cleverscope can be reprogrammed with an Altera Byte/Usb Blaster. Please send an email to for instructions.
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