Want to plot RMS voltage from Main Line in time slot?

Want to plot RMS voltage from Main Line in time slot?, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Want to plot RMS voltage from Main Line in time slot? on our Other Issues forum.

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4 May 2007
Posts: 29


I would liike to see RMS voltage in real time in the scope or Math View. How can I get this feature? I tried with Math Equation Editor but cannot get RMS voltage line. It is done in Point to point not for waveform. Maybe I used worng equation. Do you have any idea about that?


8 May 2007
Posts: 481

You cannot see the RMS voltage in real time using either the scope graph, or the Maths graph, because these graphs show instantaneous values. RMS is a value that needs to be calculated over at least 5 cycles to a reasonable value. The information display does show the RMS value, and you can log it, and then look at it later.

We have thought for some time that we should show a chart of the logged values, and so we are implementing this. This will allow you to see the RMS value at a rate equivalent to the scope graph update rate. With a scope graph about 100ms wide you will get somewhere under 10 updates per second.
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