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14 May 2007
Posts: 29

I need to log data at a fixed speed (not very fast, about 1-2 kHz). I have already ordered a cleverscope, but not arrived yet. So I have tried to figure out how that could work with simulations.

In the app you provide, I have found no possibility to log data at higher rate other than saving the data from the graph. But if i want to display 20 seconds, i don't want to wait 20 seconds for the first picture. Or is there any kind of ""rolling"" display?

So i decided to use the api you provide. The C api is strange...use labview (if you provide a better c api, let me know). So when i use no trigger (which is not possible in my application) with ""automatic"", how can i recieve data? Which start and stop time should i use? When i call ""acquire"" - ""wait for samples"" in a cycle, can i keep the start and stop always at the same value an receive the new data???

Or have you planned to implement something like that in the next few weeks?


15 May 2007

I have tried to read out following way:
- start with acquire, start time 0, stop time 250ms
- wait for samples
- update
Does not work, I get ""holes"" in the signal. So I need a way to acquire to frame 1 and read out frame 2. Is that somehow possible? I have tried to find out in the driver, but I don't know if the hardware supports that. But anyway, you will also need that for triggered signals, so I am sure you have a solution for me.

15 May 2007

If I want to record 20 seconds in your application, why is the display not updated while recording? I want it to work like a usual scope, where you see a "rolling" graph when the timebase is bigger. When a frame is 20 seconds long, I want to see the signal WHILE sampling, not 20 seconds later. I think this is a normal "feature" of an oscilloscope.

16 May 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Brazda, you are not the only one who would like a rolling graph, and charting. So we are doing something about it now. We are implementing charting, with a rolling graph now. We will keep you posted on progress.

The acquisition unit has had the necessary software in it for some time to read one frame while the other is being acquired. As part of our charting we will improve the driver to expose this functionality.

17 May 2007

And how long will that take? I have to work with this device, so I really need that.

18 May 2007

BartSchroder said...
Hello Brazda, you are not the only one who would like a rolling graph, and charting. So we are doing something about it now. We are implementing charting, with a rolling graph now. We will keep you posted on progress.

The acquisition unit has had the necessary software in it for some time to read one frame while the other is being acquired. As part of our charting we will improve the driver to expose this functionality.

So does it mean your scope is NOT a real scope actually? If this is true, we're going to wait until we buy. It would be helpful if you could inform others when the datalogger behaves like a scope. Maybe it can push things further: I need 5-10 units.

rhcarter rhcarter

18 May 2007
Posts: 114

Cleverscope is a real scope, in fact better than most because it is extensible. There are very few scopes with our performance that you can add features to by downloading the latest software. We are working on charting and a rolling graph and expect to post the updated software on the website within the next ten days. Existing owners will be able to download and have those tools immmediately available to them.

So why wait until it is available - you can buy now and start learning how to use the other aspects of the Cleverscope in the meantime - I am sure you will find plenty to learn before adding the charting!


23 May 2007

rhcarter said...
Cleverscope is a real scope, in fact better than most because it is extensible. There are very few scopes with our performance that you can add features to by downloading the latest software. We are working on charting and a rolling graph and expect to post the updated software on the website within the next ten days. Existing owners will be able to download and have those tools immmediately available to them.

So why wait until it is available - you can buy now and start learning how to use the other aspects of the Cleverscope in the meantime - I am sure you will find plenty to learn before adding the charting!


ok. thanks. I'm waiting! Any news?

29 May 2007

rhcarter said...
We are working on charting and a rolling graph and expect to post the updated software on the website within the next ten days.

Hi Roger,
10 days have elapsed.. any news?
rhcarter rhcarter

30 May 2007
Posts: 114

Sometimes things just do not go according to plan and it demonstrates again how dangerous it is to give a deadline where software is involved!

A part of the project we thought was relatively straightforward turned out not simple at all and a couple of issues with the next production run interupted our development flow.

All I can promise is that we are working on it and will release it as soon as we are confident it is stable. It will be part of our next published release, along with a couple of other changes we have made - and I will email you immediately to let you know it is available.


30 May 2007

So do you have any idea about the release date? 1 week? Only need an approximate date, so I can arrange myself with it.
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