How do I measure times on digital signals

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25 May 2007
Posts: 13

I just got our company to buy two brand new CleverScopes. I'm starting to use it a bit, and I have a quick question. If I have a high pulse on Digital input 1, how can I measure its width in time? I can see that I can move two cursors around on the digital display, but I don't see where I can get a time difference between them.


rhcarter rhcarter

25 May 2007
Posts: 114

Hi Brian,

Once you have the signal triggered on the digital display move the mouse over the analog window. You will see a vertical line appear in the digital window that follows the cursor. Line up with the leading edge and double click. Line up with the trailing edge and double click again. You will now see two dots labeled 1 and 2 on the analog screen and on the information screen above will be a time delta.

Hope this answers your question - enjoy using your Cleverscope!


25 May 2007
Posts: 13

Thanks Roger! I will try that when I get to work tomorrow. Will the dots follow the rising and falling edges of my pulse each time the scope is triggered?


26 May 2007
Posts: 13


OK, I tried it, and it does work. But how can I get the CleverScope to 'measure' the 'high-time' of my pulse as it is changing? )i.e. each trigger.) That is a feature other scopes have (positive pulse width). Is it possible to do it with math operations on CleverScope?



26 May 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Brian,
When we made the choices for the Information window we considered pulse properties, but didn't include them to keep the information window small enough to fit onto a 1024 x 768 monitor (with the Control panel and Scope graph windows open as well). We have been thinking for some time that it would be better to have a palette of waveform properties to choose from, and just the chosen items go in the information window. This palette would include pulse properties (duty cycle, pulse high time, pulse low time, overshoot high, overshoot low, rise time, fall time). So we will put this on the list. We have quite a list, and we are slowly working through it!

Currently Maths only works point by point - we have no method of measuring features of the waveform. So no, you can't use Maths to do this. But we will think about it.

all the best.

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