Release Notes

Release Notes, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Release Notes on our Questions forum.

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6 Jun 2007

Is there any release-note for your software? Usually some kind of change-log or similar is provided with every version, but I have not found that yet. If you do not have one, could you please make one for future versions?
rhcarter rhcarter

7 Jun 2007
Posts: 114

Hi Brazda,
We keep our release notes page up to date as we change the software. If you go to you will be able to see the history back to Jan 06.


8 Jun 2007

I guess the release notes should be updated for the latest software v4608 which is available in the download section.
I would like to know what was fixed or changed.

8 Jun 2007

Also the Home page needs to be updated

11 Jun 2007

That is a list of releases, but there is no information about what is fixed and what is still open ("some issues fixed" gives no usable information). Could you provide a more detailed (and up-to-date) list?
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