Scope not functioning, complains about a problem with the USB port

Scope not functioning, complains about a problem with the USB port, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Scope not functioning, complains about a problem with the USB port on our Interface issues forum.

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22 Jun 2007

I recently got a brand new CS328A Oscilloscope. It worked for maybe 30sec, then it popped up with:
""Warning: There is a problem with the USB port. Check that the cables are correctly plugged in, and that the Cleverscope Aquisition Unit is turned on. It may take up to 10secs for the port to be reset after hitting the OK button. Please be patient.""
The computer had to be restarted. I tried again, it worked for 30sec and again the same phenomena happened.
After the 2nd time, it no longer functioned and all I get is the above error.

I have tried removing all other USB devices from the system. Tried different usb ports.
Now this is all that pops up and I get no reading from the scope.
rhcarter rhcarter

24 Jun 2007
Posts: 114

Hi Beejohn,
We have had some issues with the third party usb driver that we have been trying to resolve. It has not been as drastic as your situatiuon seems to be. However, there is a new version of software on the website that has been modified to address that issue.
Let us know if it does or dos not work.


26 Jun 2007

it worked, thanks
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