write measurements into a file

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2 Sep 2007

I don't mean the present automatic logging function, but an additional possibility to write ONE measurements set into (another) file at the push of a button. Would be also nice to have a text field for additional information for every measurement.

(Just performed a set of measurements on some device. After setting a number of parameters, controlled by the scope, one measurement has been done, single triggered - then I had to write down the settings and results into an Excel table, which, at some hundred points, took a lot of time and also produced a couple of errors)

3 Sep 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Ben,
If you turn on Fast Save (in the File Options) a new button appears in the top right of the control panel. Every time you click it, it saves the current graph as a incrementing numbered file. You can make this a text save if you want. This should do what you are after. You could use an annotation to describe what you are doing.

3 Sep 2007
Posts: 481

Ok, I re-read your requirement. You would like to save one set of derived values at the push of a button. This might be just one value.
We will put a button on the logging display to do this. In addition, you could wire a real push button to either the external trigger, or a digital input, and enable logging, and set the unit to trigger on the pushbutton. The logger only logs if there is a trigger. So when you push the button, the Cleverscope will grab a sample set, derive the values, and then log to the text file. This could be a quick work around for now.

14 Sep 2007

Thank you Bart.

Actually I could instead of additional external trigger, as you propose, simply use the ""single"" trigger of the scope. The problem is, the scope is used also for setting up the measurement, therefore the log file would contain a lot of ""junk"".
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