Using CS320A with Labview 8.0

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16 Oct 2007

Hi there,

I'm using a CS320A (FW 6422) with Labview 8.0 and I'm having trouble doing aquisitions. I perform impedance-measurements on microelectrodes covered by mammalian cells. The signalgenerator is monitored on channel B for triggering, channel A is connected to the microelectrode. So far it works with the cleverscope-application but I have serious problems with the Labview-drivers (V8). I run the sequence Initialize, Aquire, Waitforsamples, finish but the device just waits eternally for samples. Time after aquisition is 500msec. The polling for samples is set with 20msec delay so that there is enough processing-time available. I would guess that I initialized the Aquisition-Unit with incorrect values, but as the driver does not complain it is difficult to find out. Parameters are:
Num seq Frames 128
Num Buffer 129
Waveform average 3
Num division 10
Start-time -500u
Stop-time 500u
Pre-trig time 0
Sig Freq 5MHz
Sig Amp 1V
Trigger on channel B (rise, 0V)
The example aka ""simple scope"" runs only after a fresh PC-reset. So second guess is that there might be a problem with the unloading of the labview cscope driver runtime. Perhaps someone might send me a simple vi with proper timings for aquisition and ""sample-waiting""?

Any ideas ?

Thank You


22 Oct 2007

Ok I got it running with a fresh install of Labview 8.0. One Problem remains:I cannot measure steadily. My Labview-programm performs some measurements, then after some time (always anonther intervall) it stops working. It hangs while waiting for new samples (Error 100001).Red light (triggered) is burning but the scope can only be reactivated by power-cycling. After such a stop the cleverscope-software doesn't find the scope and complains about a USB-Error 5001. Any help would be kindly appreciated.

rhcarter rhcarter

22 Oct 2007
Posts: 114

Hi Daniel,
If you are using firmware 4622 you may have that problem. Try loading 4620 and see if it resolves the problem.


22 Oct 2007

Thank You for Your answer.But I have already tried that. Firmware 6422 doesn't cooperate with LV 8 at all. With 6420 I get these unforeseeable hangs. As I deperately need to get this working for my phd-thesis I might buy a network-switchable powerline for the scope, so that LV resets it when the device hangs, but I don't like this ""solution"". Has anyone perhaps ported the LV 7.1 drivers so that they can be used within LV 8.0, from all that I have read , I would guess that the 7.1-drivers are based on the quickusb.dll and might perhaps work more reliable.



23 Oct 2007


I use LabView 7.1 and CScope Driver Version 4,614. I Sometimes also get Crashes... LV is Closing completely because of an unexpected error.

But I dont use the scope continiously... I aquire a definite number of samples after each triggerevent.

This week I want to update my Programm to the newest controlldriver Version and CScope drivers.
I´ll tell you how this will work.

rhcarter rhcarter

23 Oct 2007
Posts: 114

I do not know if it is feasible for you but a number of users have found LV 8.0 has had bugs and solved it by updating to LV 8.2.


24 Oct 2007


as our institute has the developer edition I upgraded to 8.2.1 but the problem remains. Another interesting issue is that with 6422 the sampled voltages are extremely high. for example from ~ -50000 to +50000 for a 1 Vpp Sinus directly connected from SG to Channel A.

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