v4.619 USB trouble

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20 Oct 2007
Posts: 22


I just upgraded to v4.619, flashed v5328 to my ""old"" CS328 unit
and I can not establish a communication to the scope (XP Home and Pro,
if this info can be regared as helpful).

Is there any way to obtain the old (<4.619) software?
Unfortunately, I did not save the old state (and indeed, this was
never necessary during the last dozen upgrades...


21 Oct 2007
Posts: 22

Fortunately, I found an older version on another PC...

I tried to install v4.619 on several other PCs but non of the possible combinations
(driver, firmware, software, new-installation, copied-installation, ...)
was working...

rhcarter rhcarter

23 Oct 2007
Posts: 114

You are correct, v4.619 will only work with the A version units - our apologies that you had to discover the problem for us. We will provide another update shortly to resolve this problem.

23 Oct 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Axel, there is a new version (4.620) as an update, which fixes the CS328 communications. A stupid make fault. While we were at it, we reduced load while waiting for a trigger, if any of you have noticed slowness in this state.

24 Oct 2007
Posts: 22

Thank you very much.

You greatly improved the behaviour of scaling (CTRL-UP/DOWN) as well as
the (at least for me) never working FIT (y-axis) button.

In the past, regarding some ""special"" (...) waveforms, pushing the FIT button
brought up huge, contrary settings of offset and resolution, which could never
be resolved, except for loading a previously saved setup.

I really appreciate your investigations on these...

Now, the only thing left is the behaviour of CTRL-RIGHT/LEFT which always
refers to ""the dot"" (mouse position) and not to a fixed window position.
So, zooming in and out via CTRL-R/L will never get you back to the original

Nevermind, over the years, the software's functions as well as stability
(I had a lot of probems with sudden acquisitions stops in the past)
greatly improved.

I am looking towards your first 500MHz rocket ;-)

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