Number of Channels / Differential Inputs

Number of Channels / Differential Inputs, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Number of Channels / Differential Inputs on our Desired Features forum.

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18 Jan 2006
Posts: 29

Hi Bart,
looks like you created a very powerful instrument. 8)
Is there any chance to synchronize 2 or 4 of them to make a 4 or even 8 channel scope? :idea: This would be extremely useful for us.
For a later model, is there a chance for differential or perhaps floating inputs? There's no nood for kilovolts isolation, 50 volts will do. It's just to avoid ground loops interfering the measured signals. That will be particularly useful for measuring in the field at industrial or automotive applications.
For contact details, please refer to my yesterday's e-mail.

27 Jun 2006
Posts: 481

Yes you can already link 2 instruments, time synched - see the Cleverscope 4 channel app on the resources page of the website.

We also agree that differential channels would be verey useful for many markets.

27 Oct 2007

Can two linked units be used with labview 8.0 drivers?


26 Mar 2008
Posts: 6

BartSchroder said...
Yes you can already link 2 instruments, time synched

Hi Bart,

are there any restrictions on the type of units to link together? Especially, is it possible to link a cheaper 10 Bit CS320A to my brand new 12 Bit CS328A to get 4 analogue and 8 digital channels?

Kind regards from Germany

Stephan Hoffmann
rhcarter rhcarter

26 Mar 2008
Posts: 114

Not only can you link the CS320A and the CS328A but you can also link an older and newer unit together - so a CS320A with a CS328. You need to ensure you have the latest firmware installed in both units for this to work.


26 Mar 2008
Posts: 6

Thanks for the information, Roger!
Guest said...
Is there any chance to synchronize 2 or 4 of them to make a 4 or even 8 channel scope?

Are there Plans to connect more than two units? From the hardware's point of view it should be quite easy to build a n-way adapter.

Kind regards from Germany

Stephan Hoffmann
rhcarter rhcarter

27 Mar 2008
Posts: 114

Our bigger vision is to merge the two channel and four channel software and allow you to connect ""n"" acquisition units - although there are some practical limits! This is also being driven by the requirements of the ethernet interface. However, it is not our highest priority so do not hold your breath!

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