How can I address two scopes from the same Labview program?

How can I address two scopes from the same Labview program?, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on How can I address two scopes from the same Labview program? on our Questions forum.

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1 Jan 2008

Hi there,

can anybody tell me how to carry out measurements simultaneously with two scopes (CS320A and CS328A) and under Labview (8.2.1) ?

Thanks in advance


3 Jan 2008
Posts: 481

Hello Dan,
currently you have to open two sessions of the DLL (call them different names). We are working on this, and will release a multi unit DLL as soon as possible.
If you use two DLL's, the first scope powered up will be connected to first DLL opened. The multi unit DLL will allow you to choose the serial number.
Happy New Year, Bart

4 Jan 2008

Hi Bart,
thank you for your answer. I understand that I can use two dlls with different names to address two scopes by a C-program, but can I also use two copies of the labview-runtime? I could`t get this to work.


21 Jan 2008

Hi there,

I have an additional question concerning the labview drivers (7.1) . So, how can I perform a reset of the scope under labview, which is necessary when the scope gets stuck (this happens quite often)? I tried the ""finish, initialize""-sequence to get a clean start, but sometimes the drivers tell me that there is an error ""1000001"" and an invalid ft-handle. until now i have to powercycle the scope and to restart labview, but isn't there a better way?



22 Jan 2008

Anybody out there?
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