Installing Cleverscope on a MAC running XP under Parallels Desktop.

Installing Cleverscope on a MAC running XP under Parallels Desktop., a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Installing Cleverscope on a MAC running XP under Parallels Desktop. on our Questions forum.

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23 Mar 2008

I have installed the Cleverscope on my PC/XP with no problems. I also tried to install it on my MAC laptop that runs XP under Paralles Desktop software. The Cleverscope installs but not the USB. I would appreciate any help on this.

Thanks in advance,

rhcarter rhcarter

24 Mar 2008
Posts: 114

Welcome to the forum, spoulis

My experience with emulators is that they seldom successfully connect to ports and a native programme will always be better.

Now we are using the NI-VISA driver with Cleverscope it opens the opportunity to offering a build for OS X as well as for Linux. We have installed the VISA driver onto a Mac and can see the Cleverscope so the next stage is to build a simple interface to test the communications before trying to compile the cleverscope application for OS X.

While this does not have a high priority for us we will continue development as the opportunity presents - as when a friend lends us a Mac! If you are willing to try a beta send me an email and I will advise when it is available. The VISA driver can be found on the NI website -

Roger Carter

24 Mar 2008

Thanks Roger for your welcome and your prompt response. Indeed I will be willing to try a beta since I do not have a working Cleverscope on the MAC. I consult and having the Cleverscope installed and working on my MAC is very important, as you can imagine.
By the way, the scope is amazing and truly 'clever'. Well worth the price!

Spiro Poulis

28 Oct 2009


I have no problems running Cleverscope on a MacBook Pro in Parallels using an XP host installation. Driver installation went smoothly and everything worked right out of the box.

Hope that helps.
Best regards,

29 Jun 2012
Posts: 1


I have had no problems to install CleverScope on my MacBook. I'm using XP under Paralleles Desktop Vers. 7.0.15098.

W. Mauser
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