Minimize option

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30 Mar 2008

It would be nice to have one button to minimize ALL currently maximized Cleverscope windows with one click. Restore all the same windows when the main window is restored. This makes it very quick to switch between apps efficiently.
I really like the individual window scheme, its very versatile, and allows moving some of the windows to other displays if you have more than one. However, it sure is slow to get the scope ""clutter"" out of the way to see the VNA and other test apps. Then when I'm done with those several other apps, I will typically need the scope active again just as it was.


2 Apr 2008
Posts: 481

Hello Del,
Doesn't sound to hard. But there is a work around right now - right click on the Cleverscope entry in the task bar, and choose minimize all. We will make it so that a show window message is sent to all the active windows when the cleverscope control panel is un-minimized, in the next build. Thanks for the suggestion.

2 Apr 2008

Hi Bart,

On my Windows XP Home Edition when I right click on the task bar ""cleverscope control panel"" entry, I do not have the ""minimize all"" option. I just has ""minimize"" which is only for that master window and does not affect the ""sub windows"" of the app. I think maybe this menu depends somewhat on what video card the computer is running. I also have ""nVidia options"" in that menu, but they don't include anything useful.

I think your solution will work fine.

4 Apr 2008
Posts: 481

Hello Del,
If you right click on the Taskbar, and select properties, you can tick the 'Group similar taskbar buttons' item. From then on, all the Cleverscope windows will hide under one taskbar entry. If you right click on the single taskbar entry, you can then minimize the group. Hope this helps!

4 Apr 2008

Ok, on my XP Home machine, Cleverscope windows all remain individual on the taskbar. Grouping does not occur in XP unless the task bar is full of buttons AND the option to group similar items is selected. If I add apps, so XP does group the Cleverscope windows, the only options available to restore the windows will resize and move all windows even if they are over on the other monitor.
On Windows Vista (my laptop) it is the same. No grouping until the taskbar is near full...usually! (bugs in vista) When the grouping does work, then the group can be minimized, but when restoring, the windows cannot be sent back to where they were, Vista resizes them, and moves them on the screen no matter what option is used to restore the windows. Resizing is more work than individually minimizing and restoring each window.
So, Bart, you see why I suggested an option to allow them to be tied together. If its a display option, then if one did not want this action, he could turn it off and handle minimize and restore manually.

11 Apr 2008
Posts: 481

Hi Del,
In the next version it will be there. Cheers!
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