Can't get Cleverscope Control.dll running in Labview 8.2

Can't get Cleverscope Control.dll running in Labview 8.2, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Can't get Cleverscope Control.dll running in Labview 8.2 on our Other Issues forum.

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31 Mar 2008

Hi there,
has anyone successfully converted the Cleverscope Control.dll into a working vi under Labview? I am well aware of the normal LV-drivers, but you can't use them if you need 2 cleverscopes working simultanously, controlled by the same computer. I used the the LV-wizard for importing the dll into a vi, but it seems to have problems with the allocation of memory for the A,B,dig-channel-data (->LV-crash). Another problem is that the wizard parses the header-file in a way that delivers a string-output for the ""Got samples"", although it should give a boolean. So I changed the data type manually, but this also led to a LV-crash. If anyone successfully managed to create a proper vi I would be thankful to receive a copy.



10 Apr 2008
Posts: 2

I have also experienced problems under Labview 8.2 when I tried to use the ""simple scope example"". After the complation there is a notification: ""There has been an error. The application is closing."" It seems to have something to do with the ""QuickUsb.dll""?
I would be thankful if anybody could help me with this?

11 Apr 2008
Posts: 481

Hello Carolin and Daniel,
When compiling the Labview 7.1 version of the .llb, you need to load 'Simple scope' and also you need to make sure you open the dynamically loaded vi 'Cscope control driver' to force it to be compiled, and then do a save all. That way the whole library will be compiled to Labview 8.2 (or Labview 8.5). To make it easier, we have put versions for both Labview 8.2 and Labview 8.5 in the resources page ( Both versions include a project to build 'simple scope.exe'. Note that these drivers support the NI-VISA, QuickUSB and FTDI USB drivers. They will pick whichever one is loaded. Hope this helps.

11 Apr 2008
Posts: 2

Hello Bart,
thank you very much for your quick help!
Now everything works perfectly! :-)
Best regards,
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