Wish list attempt No. 1

Wish list attempt No. 1, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Wish list attempt No. 1 on our Desired Features forum.

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25 Jan 2005
Posts: 481

Hi, this is a partial wish list, please update as you see fit.
Maths - equation based maths between designated inputs and outputs - 8
Chart Recorder - charting with continuous storage to disk, max 100 kSa/sec - 7
Look and feel alternatives - simple option, knob based, teaching option - 6
Ability to change the skin - 5
Variable persistence - 9
Background transfer of total sample buffer and display from it - 7
Better saving options, including save all samples - 7
X-Y graphing - 4

2 Sep 2006

- I like the more intuitive scaling controls... using knobs... that would make it look sexy! ;-)
- Skin isn't so important since so many windows skinning tools available that would work with it already... like Windowsblinds or something from Stardock.com
- I more want the 500msps at 12b or 14b or whatever the option is... once that is available I will buy one... we currently have the CS300 at work (everyone loves it)
- I like the chart recorder idea
- Signal generator arbitrary waveform? I could use that.
otherwise... great scope!

2 Sep 2006

so... I heard in another post that 500msps or 1gsps is being considered... any time-line on new products made yet?

9 Sep 2006

Hello Bart

In May/06 you wrote: ""...In either case the CS328A (available soon!) will use a suitable FPGA..""
My question: how soon you expect the *As* to be on the market?
I might need to buy CleverScope in the next 1-2 months time frame.
Thanks for your input.


12 Sep 2006
Posts: 481

hello Xendude,
We have been slow, there is no denying it. But progress is being made. We will keep you posted.
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