Cleverscope Transfer Rate And Display Update Rate

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3 Oct 2006
Posts: 481

Hello CW,
The measurements are done using the data that is displayed on the graph. This allows you to change the view (eg pan the time axis), and see the new measurement values. (It also means you can have the signal information source as the tracking graph, and have the tracking graph show you fine detail based on the scope graph tracer position. As you move the tracer on the scope graph (and hence move the tracking graph position), you will see the new signal information values update automatically). So you are right - the measurements are done only on the samples that have been transferred to the PC and graph. If you have a heavily aliased signal, then the meaurement values will be wrong. But the flexibility of seeing information specific to the view seems of more use than having information about the whole buffer. You can do the work with more sample points by loading the frame buffer into the PC (using get Frame), and then the information is calculated using the frame. But is is quite a bit slower, and assuming a non-aliased signal, information over 2000 or so samples is usually enough.
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