Control CS328A with VISA Interface

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22 Oct 2008
Posts: 3


We have installed the NI-VISA libraries to try to control our CS328A. We have identified the unit in the VISA Interactive Control with the resource name ""USB0::0x0FBB::0x8008::NI-VISA-1::RAW"". Now our goal is to use the CS328A but we do not know the RAW commands to do it. Is there any information about these commands? We have not found any specification in the CleverScope site.

Best regards,

Javier Ortego

12 Feb 2009
Posts: 481

If you are in the Windows environment, we suggest you use the Cscope Control Driver (on the resources page). If you are in the Linux environment, we are making slow progress to providing a driver. To use raw communications is not an easy ask, as the Cleverscope was always designed for tight integration between the acquisition unit and the PC. Send us an email, if you wish.
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