Spectrum Analyser

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25 Oct 2008
Posts: 2

Last December we were told that, some time during 2008 ("definitely before the end of the year") a spectrum analyser option would become available for purchase. Could we hear about progress on this please?
rhcarter rhcarter

4 Nov 2008
Posts: 114

It is still on the wish list but because of the large amount of work that has gone into reducing memory use, speeding up data transfer and providing hooks for new features it will not be this year. Sometimes something that looks simple takes a whole lot more time than expected!

New features that are being released shortly include protocol analysis and an ethernet interface as well as a large number of significant software improvements such as full buffer maths.

Roger Carter

5 Nov 2008
Posts: 2

I find that rather disappointing - another promise not fulfilled, like support for Win98!
rhcarter rhcarter

5 Nov 2008
Posts: 114

Win98 is terminal as the tools we use no longer support it - it is pointless for us to fight against that tide. We have instead put the effort into support for Linux and will have a version available this month for beta testers.

And unlike Win98 narrow band spectrum analysis is still on the agenda!

Roger Carter

18 Nov 2008

I agree that Win98 is dead while Linux is growing.
Let us know when Linux version is ready for testing and I will be happy to try it.
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