DLL hung up

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28 Oct 2008
Posts: 3


I have a problem trying to use the CleverScope unit CS328A in one application develloped with Visual C++. The application consumes much of the percentage of CPU, I found that if I do an acquire, if after calling the function scope_acquire then it is not made calls to the function check_for_samples fast enough the Cleverscope stays hung and the only way to restore communication with it is to switch off and restart the application. In the specifications of the DLL I have not found anywhere says that calls to check_for_samples have to be made in certain minimum time intervals. Is there any way to do it without getting hung up the oscilloscope? Becouse in my case, develloping the application on Windows running diferent things in parallel it is impossible to ensure the times of calls.

On the other hand, is there some way to reconnect with the oscilloscopio through the DLL if this had been disconnected and re-connect during the program execution? I have seen that the installation software enables Cleverscope to regain a connection with the software when this happens, without restarting the program. Would be very nice if you could do the same with the DLL.

Best regards

12 Feb 2009
Posts: 481

We have just posted the Version 2 DLL to the website, in the resources page. It supports multiple disconnect/reconnect and supplies status information to show the state of the USB/Ethernet link. It also supports our new Ethernet board, and multiple connected acquisition units (up to 8 at time). Our 'Simple Scope' (with full interface diagnostics on the panel) example is rendered in Visual C++, Visual C#, Delphi, C++ Builder, and LabWindows. These working examples should be enough to get you going.

Check for samples can be made at any rate (though calling with an in interval of less than 20msec is a waste of resource). Eventually we will figure out how to make this a call back!

I hope this helps.
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