Wrong firmware update, product dead

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12 Nov 2008


I did a mistake, I downloaded yesterday form the website the latest package and I wanted to update my device. I selected the wrong bin file for a < 4000 S/N CS328. I thought that the software will check for compatibility but I was wrong, you can select whatever bin you want with latest loader provided. Of course that after power off/power on it didn't work, I got just the TRIG red led and that's all. Inside there is a 10 pin JTAG connector, I am building the Altera ByteblasterMV based on a simple schematic (with a HC244, VCC 3.3V, please correcct me if I am wrong) to be able to flash the device. In the meanwhile yesterday I sent an email to Cleverscope support, no reply so far, but I am expecting the information about how to recover my CS328 and a flash file, if different than website's BIN.

If you browse for bin files, you can choose ""All Files (*.*)"" and load the 6xxx bin file. There is no check with device version neither after the flash. Perhaps a better way is to first read the flash, check for S/N or anything specific and then proceed with flashing if the BIN files match the device.

I put it at my fault, as I didn't carefully read the instructions, but this situation can be avoided with some checks.

rhcarter rhcarter

13 Nov 2008
Posts: 114


We agree with your comments on the loader and updated it a while ago to prevent the problem. You must be using an older version. which I would recommend you replace.

I will send you an email with the information for using the Byte Blaster.

Roger Carter
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