Time zero on trigger one or trigger two

Time zero on trigger one or trigger two, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Time zero on trigger one or trigger two on our Desired Features forum.

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17 Dec 2008
Posts: 4

Maybe it already does this but I couldn't figure out how....
I have been trying to view a serial data stream of eight bytes with a 10ms gap between each frame of eight bytes. With the two triggers I can trigger at the beginning of the 10ms gap, using the t1~t2>max trigger function. But I really want to trigger at the end of the 10ms gap (ie. the start of the data frame) because that is a fixed reference point whereas the end of the frame varies with the value of the last data byte. So I'd like to be able to set time zero to be at t2.


rhcarter rhcarter

18 Dec 2008
Posts: 114

Hi Mark,
We have a major new release very close that may solve your problem - it will allow you to trigger on the start of the frame. You would then be able to save a series of frames that each capture just the eight bytes you want to look at - and decode them.

If you have registered to receive email from us we will be advising when it is available for download. Otherwise, keep an eye on the website.

Roger Carter
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