How to downgrade 6434 firmware to 6431 firmware

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9 Jan 2009

My lab has one CS320 scope and two CS328A scopes. I upgraded one CS328A scope (serial number JG4369 HW version 3.7) to the v6434 firmware just before the new year.

After the firmware upgrade. all my labview programs stop functioning with this scope. They still function well with the two other scopes with firmware v6431. Even the simplescope program stopped working. Only cleverscope.exe still works. I dig into the labview control drivers and found the USB mask in VISA open next USB is the root cause, because upon upgrade the USB address of the scope changes into ""USB0::0x1e41::0x0001::NI-VISA-70002:RAW"" while the mask is USB0::0x0FBB::0x8008?* So labview program can not get the USB handle during initialization.

I tried to change the mask in the vi, but got blue screen on my computers.

Is it possible to revert the firmware to an earlier version? My problem now is that I don't now have a csf file of earlier firmware, say v6431. The new v5.0 ROM Loader does not take .bin file and v4.8 Rom loader does not recognize the upgraded scope ( I think because the same issue with USB address change).

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.

12 Feb 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Zheng, as we discussed via email, the Cleverscope Vid has changed to 0x1E41. The string ((USB0::0x0FBB::0x8008?*)|(USB0::0x1E41::0x0001?*))
will find all the appropriate Cleverscope modules. We have upgraded Cscope Control (in our resources page) so that your existing programs will continue to work. When you initially changed the mask, you used the wrong one, but I understand it is now working fine.

We have moved to the .csf file because we now package two binaries in the one file - a binary for the FPGA, and a binary for the Cypress C7YC68013a USB controller. Both need to be in sync for comms to work. If you down grade just the binary for the FPGA, the USB controller interface would be wrong, and live would be a little more difficult. However, there is no need to downgrade, as we have updated the drivers to handle both variants.

We have updated the USB to FPGA interface to improve the transfer performance.

13 Feb 2009

Thanks Bart! Is this new dll compatible with the Labview 8.5 Driver VI on the resource page? That labview VIs are still dated as Apr 2008. Thanks!

13 Feb 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Zheng, the Labview 7.1 one is already up to date. We will be updating the LV 8.2 and 8.5 drivers in the next day or two! Thanks for your patience.
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