Digital graph doesn't track analog graph

Digital graph doesn't track analog graph, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Digital graph doesn't track analog graph on our Other Issues forum.

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12 May 2006

When I use the "hand" to move the anlog track, the digital track doesn't follow. I have to use one of the buttons to move the analog graph and get the digital graph to sync. This is the same for the tracking window, so I presume this is a "feature"? Is there a way to make them track?

12 May 2006
Posts: 481

You are right - it's a bug. We haven't changed it, because we are shortly moving to Labview 8.0 as the development tool, and it natively supports mixed signal graphs, and these problems will go away.

17 Dec 2006
Posts: 481

This has been fixed in release V3523. The analog and digital graphs now track each other properly.
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