Problem with noise at the end of acquisition

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4 Aug 2009

Looking at the noise levels of the cleverscope i have noticed some additional noise toward the end of trace. With nothing plugged into the Cleverscope, triggering off channel B at 0V trig level, taking 2990 shots over 140us and taking the variance of the shots i get a noise level ~10^-8 for the first 110us. For the last ~30us the noise level 'oscillates' about the previous noise level. This effect is also present when i adjust the length of the trace. This is inconvenient as in order to record data for the length pf time i want, i need to ass 30us to that time in order not to get additional noise.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas?

31 Aug 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Patrick, yes we have seen this, and fixed it. It does require a firmware update. If you download the latest update (see the downloads page and update the firmware according to the pdf in the update, this problem will go away.

1 Sep 2009

Hello Bart

Thank you for this, my cleverscope now works perfectly
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