User Interface Annoyances

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15 Aug 2009
Posts: 5

1) The ""About Cleverscope"" window, with its handy list of keyboard shortcuts, locks focus so you can't try out the keystrokes without dismissing the window. It would be nice if you could leave that window on screen for reference, while still being able to interact with the other windows.

2) The controls at the top of the control panel - namely Pan Graph, Horizontal Zoom, ... Falling Trigger - apply to the Scope Graph window and thus should be located in the Scope Graph window. It's annoying to have to go from the graph over to the control panel and then back to the graph.

3) It would be nice to zoom the digital graph by mouse operations directly in the digital graph, instead of having to use the analog graph to control the digital one.

4) It would be nice to be able to dismiss the analog graph entirely, showing only the digital one.
rhcarter rhcarter

17 Aug 2009
Posts: 114

Some short comment
1) These are also referenced in the manual which you can have open all the time and also cut and paste elsewhere.
2) While they impact mainly on the scope graph they actually apply to all the graphs which is why they were put in the control panel. The suggestion will be added to an update of the scope window that is coming up.
3) and 4) will be covered by the aforementioned update - but do not hold you breath!

Roger Carter

The latest release allows you to copy the information to the clipboard and put it anywhere you like.

4 Oct 2009
Posts: 5

> 1) These are also referenced in the manual which you can have open all the time and also cut and paste elsewhere.

What exactly is ""the manual""? I don't see any obvious reference to a manual in the ""Help"" menu of the Cleverscope app, nor is it prominently featured on the web site.

Oh, wait, I found it. It's on the resources page, near the end of a longish list of miscellaneous stuff.

Okay, so consider this as a suggestion that the manual be featured more prominently on the web site.
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