Calibration problem

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4 Sep 2009
Posts: 5

I have a CS328 SN CF2315. Have upgraded to firmware 5334 and App ver 4.644.
I've got DC offsets of -183mV and 68.1mV for Ch A and B respectively with a +-45V display range.
The I've done a standard calibration and also retried this again after a sig gen calibration after reading another post here.
I've tried the yearly calibration but after 20min on the ""measuring ground"" function I figured it must have failed.

How long should the measuring ground take? What do I do next?

4 Sep 2009
Posts: 5

Sorry. That was 4.5V +- display range with x1 probe setting.

7 Sep 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Telcoeng, This is something we are fixing right now. The newer calibration system works well with the A version Cleverscopes (Serial Number >4000), but we introduced a bug with the classic version. We hope to have the new version on the website shortly. In the meantime, calibrate with an older version (before 6439) if you still have it. Sorry about that.

13 Sep 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Telcoeng,
There is an update on the website that now works for both the CS328 and the CS328A. You will need to upgrade the firmware to 5335 (for the CS328) or 6442 (for the CS328A). After upgrading the firmware, please do a Once Yearly calibrate, followed by a standard calibration. This process will result in improved accuracy over the previous calibration system (which was already pretty good). The firmware upgrade now includes a higher resolution (16 bit) averaged DC value measurement ability.

14 Sep 2009
Posts: 5

Thanks! Calibration all good although I had to use an external reference. Could not find the internal 2.048V reference in my classic. Is it in the later version only? Under the signal generator pcb?
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