VI "Scope" was stopped at node 0x3CC of subVI "Initialize..."

VI "Scope" was stopped at node 0x3CC of subVI "Initialize...", a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on VI "Scope" was stopped at node 0x3CC of subVI "Initialize..." on our Questions forum.

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15 Sep 2009
Posts: 4

I've recently had problems starting the main application and get the following error message:

""LabVIEW: An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Node. This might have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.""
""VI ""Scope"" was stopped at node 0x3CC of subVI ""Initialize""""

Sometimes the application doesn't load or give an error message. I've updated to the latest revision (4644), but this didn't help. I uninstalled and re-installed the full version without success. I've previously used the application without problems for a few months until a week ago or so when this problem showed up.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

15 Sep 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Kevin,
Is this new with 4645? The fault is occurring in a procedure that does a call to the Windows operating system to open the mouse. We have never seen it before, but now suddenly we have 3 people reporting this problem (2 others emailed). As you have had a Cleverscope for a bit of time, we would like to figure out what has changed. We have made no changes in the call for at least the last 3 years, and no one has reported this fault prior to this on either XP or Vista. Did you by any chance change to a new mouse ? Is there anything else that might have affected the mouse interface? We will go searching. But for the moment the answer is not clear. We will get back as soon as possible.

15 Sep 2009
Posts: 4

I got it! I figured out that my PICkit Serial Analyzer appears as a USB Human-Interface-Device (HID) under device manager. I unplugged this and the application runs again. The device doesn't appear as an additional mouse device, but it must have confused the app.

Here is a link to Microchip's analyzer:

I don't know if the others you mentioned have this same device, but I would suggest them investigating everything that shows up under device manager.

It would obviously be nice for both hardware devices to play nice together, but at least I have my scope working again.


15 Sep 2009
Posts: 481

Hello Kevin,
Thanks very much for this. Looking at the Windows device open command, we ask for the first mouse. It is difficult to see how a PICKit should look like a mouse, but we will check this out.

17 Nov 2009

I also just ran into this problem, thanks for posting the fix.
In my case I had a PICKit 3 Debugger plugged into my machine. Unplugging the PICKit3 and restarting the Cleverscope application fixed this as well.

PICKit's do indeed enumerate to the system as a HID device, there are many other devices that do this as well so I am suprised this is only happening with the PICKit's. I also have a HID based APC UPS backup unit that does not seem to be misdetected as a mouse.


17 Nov 2009
Posts: 481

Thanks to Enertel we have a PicKit, and we can clearly see where the problem is. It happens when we make an 'Open Device' call to the mouse, so that we can acquire scroll wheel ticks. Our system is developed in Labview, which is why you get the Labview error. As yet we have not found a way to stop this error occurring. We will keep you posted. If any Labview users out there have any advice we would welcome it!

If you need to use the PicKit, plugging in the cleverscope first, or having it enumerate first (have it on a lower USB port number), and then plugging in the PicKit after you have powered up the cleverscope allows you to use both.

27 May 2014
Posts: 29

Finally we have a solution!

In the latest version of the software, v4.689, we have added the ability to prevent the mouse scrolling which stops the interference.

This is done by adding the following lines to the cleverscope.ini file -


You can find the cleverscope.ini file in the following places (these are hidden files normally)
In Win 7 x 64 - C:\Users\<your computer name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Cleverscope
In Win 7 x 32, Vista x32 - C:\Users\<your computer name>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Cleverscope
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