Hanging Standard calibration with App 4.646 and FW 6443

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18 Sep 2009
Posts: 5

Tried today the new release 4.646 after reading persistence is now available since 4.643.
Installed upgrade over 4.642 and upgraded FW to 6443, did a Once Yearly and moved on to the Standard calibration,
but after reaching 100% it continued to 110, 120, etc instead of saving and lighting the led.
I've tried several times, with different settings, but every time it hanged (at least continued adding 10% slowly for more than 15 mins)
After canceling, measured values were only about 1/3 of the real value.

Installed 4.642 again over it and then values seemed normal, but no persistence support of course.
Next, I removed Cleverscope alltogether and installed 4.644 fresh, leaving FW 6443 in the CAU.
Now the Once Yearly and Standard completed successfully and persistence works indeed! Great feature!

To be complete, I run Cleverscope under XP in VMWare workstation 6.5.3 on a Linux host (Dell Latitude D830).
Works great and recommended Cleverscope to a dozen of people of which at least 3(colleagues) bought the scope.


12 Oct 2009
Posts: 481

Aargh, sorry we missed this post.
We made some errors in assumptions in 4646, which cost some people in the field grief, for which we apologize. 4647 is avalailable as an update, and it fixed the assumptions, and should calibrate correctly.

12 Oct 2009
Posts: 5

Thanks Bart,

It works well now with 4647 and 6444.

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