Save Graph as text

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31 Oct 2009

Hi, I am new to Cscope, and I have a question on how to save data.

I'd like to save the waveform data as it appears in the Scope Graph window. The duration of the waveform would correspond to the time axis in the Scope graph window. Instead the save data length is determined by the N-display. So does anyone know how to change the N-display ? Or how to save the displayed data only ??

Thank you..


31 Oct 2009
Posts: 481

Hi Mimu,
First click on the graph you want to save (eg Scope Graph). Then use the menu 'File/Save Graph As Text' to save the values in the selected graph as a spreadsheet text file. You can also use 'File/Save Graph as Binary'. The text file includes the time stamp for each sample (Chan A, B and Digital, if used), and the sample values. The values saved will be samples being displayed (note that the display is over-sampled 8x so that peak captured values all appear on the one pixel).

I hope this helps.

31 Oct 2009

Thank you BartSchroder:

That is what I did before. Let me explain my question a little clearer.

for example:
I have a waveform displayed on the Scope Graph start from 10.3uS~11.7uS (I expand the time scale to select the time period of interest). With sample rate of 10nS there are total of 140 samples on display.

On the control panel the N-display=187, a number that I could not change. And when I click 'File/Save Graph As Text' the file saves 187 samples instead 140 samples.

So How can I save 140 samples ?

Thank you.

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