Does the digital threshold apply to all inputs?

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28 Nov 2009

Is it possible to adjust the digital threshold individually to each digital input?

I would like to monitor 6 seperate voltages between 2.5 and 16volts DC and have all the digital levels high unless the go under my levels by say 0.1 v.

Thanks for any advice.

rhcarter rhcarter

30 Nov 2009
Posts: 114

Hi Kevin,
I am sorry but that is not possible with the digital inputs; they are all set by the one control. The only way to do it would be with two cleverscopes and use one digital and two analogue inputs on each unit. You can use the maths on the analogue inputs to give you the on/off result you are looking for - ltz(a-2.5), ltz(b-16). If you only have one cleverscope then you will need to make two passes.

Hope that helps.

Roger Carter
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