How to acquire signal using ethernet?

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6 Mar 2010
Posts: 11

How to acquire signal using ethernet?
Can we acquire signals through ethernet?
Does this slow down the acqutition speeed?

I have tried as per the CS user guide, but not able to connect.

Please help..

6 Mar 2010
Posts: 11

I m using CS320A

8 Mar 2010
Posts: 481

Hello vikas_711,
I am assuming you have a CS320A with Ethernet module, and you are not from ETM (hi Ravi!) and using the front digital connectors as an Ethernet port! Assuming you have an Ethernet port, which comes out the back panel, in place of the USB port, you need to connect an Ethernet cable from the unit to a DHCP based switch, for easiest use. You can also connect direct to a PC, but this requires a bit more effort.

You will need Ethernet firmware installed (which is quite different currently from the USB firmware). If you are converting from USB to Ethernet, we have a document on how to do this. Please email us.

The first mission is to get connectivity. Assuming you have a DHCP based switch/router, plug the Cleverscope ethernet cable into it. Consult chapter 14 (p59) of the Cleverscope Manual (v2.6 or later). See section 14.1 that tells you about the LED indications on the Ethernet socket on the back of the Cleverscope. If the connected LED is lit, you have a valid connection. You should also see flashing (= activity) on the transmit/receive LED. If not you will have to verify your connections. Assuming you have connectivity, proceed as in the following pages.

The update rate for Ethernet is the same as USB (20 Frames/sec). However the transfer rate is lower (5 Mbyte/sec vs 18 Mbyte/sec on USB) which means that frame transfers take a little longer, and if you have all graphs open, the update rate may slow down a bit.

Please let us know how you go.

9 Mar 2010
Posts: 11

Hi Bart,
I m vikas from ETM, working with Brijesh sir.
Actually we want to acquire signal using ethernet and want to see the difference.

Setup(dhcp) you described, seems bit difficult.
But will try it, when i get time.

First, want to make sure tht we have cleverscope with ethernet module or not.


10 Mar 2010
Posts: 481

Hi Vikas,
We have sent you an Ethernet module. NExt we will tell you how to install it. After it is installed the steps are easy:
1. Use Settings/Choose Acquirer and Set Connection, and choose set the Interface source to 'Ethernet - Find first IP address'. Click OK.
2. Plug your cleverscope into a network. (I'm assuming it has a DHCP server like most modern networks).
3. Start using your cleverscope

But you can't use the front panel RJ45 connectors for ethernet - they are for the digital inputs.

I hope this helps.
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