CS328AE vs. CS328 (non-A)

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22 Mar 2010
Posts: 22

Can an, up to date, ethernet AE-unit be linked to the good, old CS328?

Will the old unit, with its limited full-speed interface, benefit from this,
regarding the screen update rate?

Which unit is ""faster"", regarding transfer speed and response time?
CS328 full-speed USB or CS328AE ethernet?

Or simply:
I used the CS328 for years by now.
Will I be unhappy with an ethernet version?

How does linking of two scopes work in general?
Do both units need a connection to the PC?


22 Mar 2010
Posts: 481

Hello Axel,
If you are using a CS328AE, you can either run the 4 channel version of our software with two units, or run two units seperately with two instances of the Cleverscope application, or use the Control Driver v 2.1 or later to control both units at the same time.

If you are using the 4 channel application, or want the units to have a synchronous trigger, you need the 'CS1020 Link Cable' which shares the trigger between the two units, and synchronizes acquisition. With the cable the interface speed is immaterial - the software in each unit will wait until both units are ready to capture before starting another capture.

The cable works this way, with Trigger-In and Out referred to each unit:
1. The unit that is trigger master holds Trigger Out in-active. It looks at trigger In. While Trigger-In is in-active the trigger master waits. Once Trigger-In becomes active, the trigger master starts looking for a trigger. When it sees one, it sets Trigger-Out active until it sees Trigger-In go in-active. It then sets Trigger-Out in-active.
2. The unit that is trigger slave waits for the Trigger-In to be inactive. When it receives a command to start acquisition, it begins acquiring, and sets Trigger-Out active. When it sees Trigger In become active, it triggers, sets Trigger-Out in-active, and applies time compensation to the trigger point, and captures the post trigger samples. It transmits the samples to the PC. Once the samples are sent, it waits for the next capture command. When it receives it, it sets Trigger-Out active again.

In this way the two units stay synchronous, regardless of connection speed.

With two units you have two interfaces - one will be 1.1 USB running at about 800 kbytes/sec, and the other will be ethernet via your LAN to your PC, running at about 5 MByte/sec. The ethernet connection does not make the USB connection any faster. The screen will update at the rate of the slowest unit.

If you have just the Ethernet unit connected, or are running two cleverscope application instances, the one with the ethernet connection will run at a faster frame rate than the USB 1.1 connected one (20 fps vs 12 fps). (FYI the USB 2.0 runs at about 18 Mbyte/sec, but Ethernet is isolated, and you can plug it into any Lan port).

If you are happy with the classic CS328, you should be happier with the CS328AE. It has lower electrical noise, more memory (if you buy the 8M version), higher bit resolution (if you want it), more internal storage - 20 K logic elements vs 6 K LE's, which allows moving average filters, digital filtering, and charting at 1 MSPS until your hard disk is full, and more room for the future.

I hope this answers it.


23 Mar 2010
Posts: 22


thank you for the clarifications on that.

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