Installation on Win7 x64

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1 Jul 2010
Posts: 3

CleverScope serial number: KE3123. I downloaded and installed the full installer ""Cscope Installer 4649"" - install completed ok. When I plug and power the scope it tries to install the (FTDI) driver then complains it's not digitally signed and quits. ""Cleverscope CS328 MSO"" appears under USB controllers in Device Manager but if I open the CleverScope program it doesn't find the scope. Can this be made to work on Win7?
Thanks, Mark

21 Jul 2010
Posts: 481

Hello Mark,
well that was a long time. Under Win 7 x64 our classic (based on the FTDI driver) driver does not work. To make it work we have to get it Win Qualified, and digitally sign it. We have registered with Verisign, and have acquired reseller rights from FTDI, which is what is required to go down the track to be digitally signed. But somewhere there has been a hiccup in the process where FTDI tells Winqual that the driver is being resold. We are trying to resolve that. ONce that is done, we can use the signing tool to sign the driver, and then you will be able to use it under Vista and Windows 7 x64.

The CS328A driver loads under both Vista x64 and Win 7 x64 without problems.
The CS328 classic driver does load under Vista and Win 7 x32.

We will let you know when we eventually get there.

11 Aug 2010
Posts: 3

Has there been any progress on this? I'm currently using Cleverscope on my old XP machine via VNC but it's far from ideal!
Thanks, Mark
rhcarter rhcarter

12 Aug 2010
Posts: 114

Hi Mark,
Apologies for the delay, we are still waiting for Verisign to sort out the digital signing for the FTDI driver. Until that occurs we are not able to resolve this issue - you could always ask Microsoft to remove that requirement! We will follow up again with the suppliers this week.


12 Jan 2011
Posts: 3

I scanned my recent Cleverscope newsletters avidly but no mention of any progress on this Win7 problem. Did I miss anything? Has this been fixed yet?

5 Mar 2011
Posts: 481

Hi Mark - Well we have finally done it - probably 2 years too late, but we now have a signed CS328 driver in update 4651, which supports both x32 and x64 for the Classic CS328. The CS328A continues to be supported under both Win 7 x32 and x64.

23 Sep 2017
Posts: 1

Has there been any progress on phenq Go Here I'm currently using Cleverscope on my old XP machine via VNC but it's far from ideal!
Thanks, Mark
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