CS328 Installation (S/N CF329x; XP sp3)

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EigenFunctions EigenFunctions

16 Mar 2011
Posts: 3

I have two (2) CS328 units (s/n CF3294 & CF3296) that I bought for a project several years ago (notice these are not the 'A' version). I haven't used them for awhile and so I decided to update to the latest software/firmware before use and I am having problems. Since that first installation back in 2006, I have a new PC (Lenovo T410 laptop running XP SP3) which did not have the Cleverscope software loaded.

After several problems, I got one of the units working (I will start on the second once the first is usable). However, several days later, the unit suddenly stopped working. I get the following error message:
Cleverscope.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The control panel stays up, but it is non-responsive and has to be killed to close it.

I installed Cscope Installer 4650 then Update 4651. When that didn't work, I became more desperate (ignoring the note that uninstalling isn't necessary) so I then uninstalled Cleverscope and tried again, but it has the same problem. Each time I was sure to check the CS328 checkbox (since I don't have the 'A' version). Also, at some point in the process, I upgraded the firmware in the box (I've only done that with the first box). Furthermore, using the second box (original firmware) had no effect (same error condition).

Can anyone provide help?

16 Mar 2011
Posts: 481

Hello Lawrence,
Sorry about these problems. You may wish to send us an email, so that we can interact more quickly. Please include a telephone number.

The problem - the cleverscope app having to close - is probably caused by a PicKit or something similar. We have found that these instantiate as HID devices that look like a mouse when you plug them into a USB port. Our Cleverscope app opens up the mouse at startup to discover if it has a scroll wheel. The call to open the mouse fails when applied to the PicKit, and hangs the application. The solution, for now, is to plug in the PicKit after running the Cleverscope App. Our current application is built in Labview 7.1, and we have not found a solution. Shortly we will be moving the envrionment to Labview 8.6.1, and we have found that the problem no longer occurs. Trying unplugging other USB devices to see if they have any effect. If so, please let us know.

Please let us know what you find. Good luck!
EigenFunctions EigenFunctions

16 Mar 2011
Posts: 3

Yep, that is the problem. I use a PIC Kit 1 to program the uC's I work with. I unplugged the PIC Kit, turned on the CleverScope unit and then started the CleverScope application - it started OK.

From your comments I gather that this is only when your application starts. Once started I can use the PIC Kit normally - right?

Without a doubt, this is something that needs to be fixed.

Thanks for the quick response!

16 Mar 2011
Posts: 481

Yes, we would certainly like to fix it. But we also want to use the Scroll Wheel functionality. The fault occurs when we call 'Open device' (a system call), with a mouse qualifier. It is hard to see how that could possibly open a Pic Kit, but it tries. Being an operating system call, it is somewhat out of our hands. We cannot catch the error, and tell you about it - it fails in the system call. The LV8.6.1 environment somehow does it differently, and we have not yet been able to find out what is different.

Yes, once started, you can plug in the Pic Kit.
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