Multi CS328, not 4 channel scope

Multi CS328, not 4 channel scope, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Multi CS328, not 4 channel scope on our Desired Features forum.

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26 Jun 2006


Multi SC328 with Multi CS320 Software, not Multi Channel scope, only 2 channel scope. like 10 CS328 hardware and 10 CS320 Software in one PC

Best Regards

27 Jun 2006
Posts: 481

It has been our focus that the next generation of Cs300 software should support any number of attached Cleverscopes, including ones with different channel speed mixes.

13 Aug 2007

A CS328A (including 8MB and 14 bit options) + CS320A (basic configuration) would be perfect combination for our purposes. We were told (, currently we can only stack two *equal* (meaning not only same type, but same options) units, which would be too expensive. Can you tell us when this new generation software coming? Or is it already there?

27 Aug 2007
Posts: 481

Hello Ben,
There is new generation software coming for the 4 channel application. It will work with any combination of Cleverscopes, old or new, and CS320 and Cs328.

We will keep you posted when it is done.
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