Fitting a Cleverscope in a PC format case.

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15 Jul 2011
Posts: 6

You never did comment on my last question about fitting a Cleverscope in a PC bay format case. I do not think this is a totally crazy idea.

1. You always need to have the C'scope next to the PC in any case so why not remove the clutter of power supplies and USB connections by putting the scope in a computer bay?
2. People's needs vary but I bet mine are common to those of many other users. I love the scope display on the big screen, the computer contains much other project related software and files so the combination of a common creating and testing environment is logical and I gotta reduce this bench clutter!!
3. The Cleverscope dimensions are already very close to the PC bay dimensions.
4. PC bays would make installation of a 4 channel system very tidy and convenient.
5. The Cleverscope would be powered by the PC power supply and use a direct motherboard connection to a USB slot.

Any thoughts.


15 Jul 2011
Posts: 481

Hello Brian,
sorry about that. I agree, it's a good idea - saves space, if you've already got the PC.
The PC suppy already has a 12V power supply, and so this can go straight into the Cleverscope.
We will offer it as an accessory (assuming we can make it work). I can see we will need these items in the accessory:
1. Power supply cable adpator - (Diosk Drive power cable to 2 x Cleverscope DC in plugs)
2. Most PC motherboards have extra USB ports on the board. We can connect to that if it's there. Otherwise it will be a bit messier, with a USB cable having to go out of the case and plug into the back.
3. Metal adaptor to screw cleverscope into drive bay.
4. Front side facia to make it look good.

We'll also have to do a bit of checking of the average sort of noise level inside a PC, and the noise on the power supply.



15 Jul 2011
Posts: 6

Thanks Bart,
I looked at doing this myself but the noise questions etc I thought I would leave to you folks because you know what is acceptable.
This mod would encourage me to increase to 4 channels.
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