Cscope Control Driver.dll , WIn7 64 bit

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2 Feb 2012
Posts: 11

I am not able to use Driver.dll with Win7 64 bit.
I have downloaded "Cscope Control Driver v25 DLL" and placed Driver dll and FTD dll in same folder.
In code have given the path for dll.
I am using, vista 32 bit. All works here. (with 32 bit)
But not in Win7 / 64 bit.
I have installed dot net framework, LV runtime engine, NI Visa (64)
I read pdf file.
You will have to have the two files ‘Cscope Control Driver.dll’ and ‘FTD2XX.dll’ either in Windows/System32 or Windows/SysWOW64 (64 bit systems) as the most general case, or put them in the same directory as your development files, and in the directory with the resulting .exe. Only one copy of ‘Cscope Control Driver.dll is included, at root of the zip. If you use the installer, the dll’s are automatically copied to the system32 directory.
I copied both files as mentioned.
I am getting "System.BadImageFormatException" when dll function is called.
1) Is this Control dll file is for both 32 and 64 bit?
2) Where else i have to copy these files?
3) From where i can get Cscope Control Driver.dll for 64 bit?

Vikas Sharma


4 Feb 2012
Posts: 481

Hello Vikas,
You are absolutely right - the current DLL only works with 32 bits. Unfortunately our current toolset cannot produce a 64 bit compliant DLL. We have upgraded our toolset, and are in the process of producing a 64 bit capable DLL.

8 Feb 2012
Posts: 11

And let us know when its completed.

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