External sampler clock for 4-ch scope?

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7 Mar 2013
Posts: 1

Is it possible to synchronize a pair of Cleverscope acquisition units with an external sampler clock interface? That is, I would like to synchronously sample 4-channels simultaneously using an external sampling clock.

20 Mar 2013
Posts: 481

Yes you can do this. We have recently updated the driver to v2.6, and it includes an updated Cscope Control Driver description which shows you how to setup two Acquisition Units to capture 4 channels time synchronous to an external sampling clock.

There is a video of the setup on our videos page.
The Labview Control Driver v2.6 includes several 4 channel examples. The Visual Studio C++ example shows a text based approach to 4 channel capture.

Here is an excerpt from the DLL manual:

6.6.1 Linked two unit scope with Four Channel capture
Two units can be linked together using the CS1020 link cable. The link cable transfers trigger signals between the two units. In addition an external sampling clock can be used by having the CS810 option fitted at time of manufacture. The external sampling clock means that all 4 channels sample synchronously. Without the external sampling clock, the two units clocks will be different by a small degree, and the sampling points will not be time coherent

Setup Acquire Definition

Item Explanation
------ ----------------
Link Port Set to 'Master' (4)
Trigger Source Specifies the Trigger Source as normal, 0 = A chan, 1 = B chan, 2 = Ext Trigger,
3 = Dig Input, 4 = Link Port
Ext Sample Clock Set to 0 for an internal clock, or 1 for an external sampling clock.
The clock must be sine or square, 0.5 - 3V p-p amplitude, 1-110 MHz frequency.

Item Explanation
Link Port Set to 'Slave' (3)
Trigger Source Set to Link Port (4).
Ext Sample Clock Set to 0 for an internal clock, or 1 for an external sampling clock.
The clock must be sine or square, 0.5 - 3V p-p amplitude, 1-110 MHz frequency.

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