PC hardware/software requirements?

PC hardware/software requirements?, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on PC hardware/software requirements? on our Questions forum.

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4 Nov 2017
Posts: 13

I'm looking for the computer system requirements (hardware, OS, etc) but haven't found it. Help, please...

7 Nov 2017
Posts: 481

Currently we only support Windows. For the CS328A, you can use Windows XP to Win 10 x64.
For the CS448 you can use Win 7 to Win 10 x64.
Some day we will release a Linux version!
All modern PC's of the last 10 years will work fine.

7 Nov 2017
Posts: 13

Ok, thanks Bart. So the CS320A-FRA is fully functional under XP? I'm still living there :)

7 Nov 2017
Posts: 481

Yes it is, as far as I know!
Haven't checked it for a while, but all the drivers are still good to go for XP, so all should be ok.

2 Dec 2017
Posts: 1

Are you still enjoying HGH-X2 and working on the Linux version or is it just a pipe dream at this point?

14 Dec 2017
Posts: 481

Not a pipe dream. Once we have done the new unified Cscope4 app for controlling multiple units (including CS328A and CS448), we will make a Linux version. We did make one years ago, but the support load was significant. So sometime in the first quarter of next year, we hope.
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