Win10 x64 Installation Freeze

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23 Dec 2017
Posts: 5

Every time I try to run the installer, it freezes. This is a new installation. I am running Win10 x64 with an i7 and 32GB of RAM. I select just the CS328A driver and the application software (NI-VISA is checked but disabled). It just sits there forever on the attached screen. I cannot move the dialog box; I cannot click "Cancel". I do have to run as administrator as my machine is fairly locked down.

Attached Files


23 Dec 2017
Posts: 481

When you start the installer does anything at all happen - for example the CS328A USB driver dialogs start up? Is there any chance you have a firewall that could be causing issues.
The app is pretty new, but we have checked it with Win 10 x64 on several machines, and it has been fine.

Can you please do a Ctrl Shift ESC, and see how much CPU is being used by the installer? If 0%, then I'd be thinking a firewall or virus checker stalling it. Maybe you could turn off your virus checking and firewall. We use Bitdefender, and it is nor reporting any viruses in the build.

4 Jan 2018
Posts: 5

I run setup.exe and I get the checkboxes. I uncheck the CS448 then click the Install button. The dialog changes to say that it is installing the Cleverscope CS328A Driver, but nothing else happens.

Maybe there is a firewall causing issues (I am on a corporate network). I know other people have installed this on their PC (not Win10) and never seemed to have any issues.

In Task Manager, setup.exe shows 0% CPU.

I unfortunately have very little control on my PC. We are using Symantec Endpoint Protection, but when I open it up, it says that "Proactive Threat Protection is disabled", so I don't think that's the problem. It appears as if there are no firewalls on my PC, but that doesn't mean there isn't a corporate one.

24 Jan 2018
Posts: 5

Does the installer go out on the network?
rhcarter rhcarter

24 Jan 2018
Posts: 114

It does not go out on the network but Windows 10 now has Windows Defender SmartScreen (implemented late last year) that will not accept the install even though it is code signed (see attached image).

As SmartScreen now requires an EV code signing certificate we are in the process of upgrading to that but in the meantime you may need to use User Account Control to authorise the installation.

25 Jan 2018
Posts: 5

Windows Defender is turned off on my machine. I start the setup.exe as adminstrator, when I click "Install", it just sits there and nothing happens - no pop ups of any sort.
rhcarter rhcarter

25 Jan 2018
Posts: 114

email me with your phone number. We can look at the issue through a teamviewer session.

26 Jan 2018
Posts: 5

Just to close this out, there was a problem with administrative rights on my machine. When the individual components were installed separately with administrative rights, it all seemed to work.
rhcarter rhcarter

26 Jan 2018
Posts: 114

To assist any other users who do not have admin rights on their PC and are not allowed to log in as an administrator the process is (You must have an admin password to do this).

If you do not have the admin password then installation will require some-one with those rights to do the install.

1. Uncheck all but Ni-Visa and install. You will need to use the admin password when asked.
2. Uncheck all but the Cleverscope application and install. You will need to use the admin password when asked.
3. Plug in the Cleverscope
4. Open Device Manager with elevated privileges
5. Locate the Cleverscope and change the driver by navigating to the Cleverscope/Drivers folder and selecting it.


26 Apr 2019
Posts: 1

I also facing the same situation when I tried to install windows 10 Win10 x64 Installation Freeze it shows an error, so I really want a proper solution on how to remove this error as soon as possible.

8 Feb 2022
Posts: 2

I am having the same symptoms.
I am trying to update Cscope 4.80858 to Cscope 64 bit 5.01.05.
I am using it a CS448 S/N CR10055.
I am running Windows 10 in a locked down corporate environment. Using elevated privileges setup.exe froze. Per rhcarter's 26 Jan 2018 post, I tried unchecking everything except the Cleverscope application but setup.exe still froze.

The Ni-Visa choice was greyed-out and not selectable. It said Ni-Visa was up to date.

Now I am finding that Cscope 4 can no longer see the CS448 so I am stuck without a scope until this is resolved.


9 Feb 2022
Posts: 2

Correction: Cscope 4.80858 does still work but I am unable to update to Cscope 64 bit 5.01.05.
rhcarter rhcarter

9 Feb 2022
Posts: 114

Sorry to hear about the issue but good that the old application is still working.

When you tried the installation did you log on as administrator and then right click on setup.exe and choose "Run as Administrator"? Sometimes both are needed to install in locked down environments.

The other way another user previously got around the difficulty of installing was to not install in the Program Files directory

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