String in digital windows

String in digital windows, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on String in digital windows on our Questions forum.

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24 May 2018
Posts: 3


I bought a used CS328A.

In the digital window there is a text: "swF4 e220 . . L e C r o y"

How I can clear the text?
Best regards

24 May 2018
Posts: 481

Sorry about this, we need to get rid of that string in the preference file.
The only way to get rid of the string is to use View/Protocol Setup to display the Protocol Setup.
Enable a decoder by clicking the On Led.
On the Cleverscope Control Panel, click the Decode Protocol button on bottom right to On.
Now use Auto to capture something. The Protocol Decode will fail, and the string will be cleared.
Exit the application to make sure the preference file is updated.


24 May 2018
Posts: 3


many thanks for the fast help.

Now the string is gone.

Best regards

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