How to change the "acquisition time" of CS328A?

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29 May 2018
Posts: 3

I'm pretty new to cleverscope and just started using the CS328A model. I've been looking to change the "acquisition time" of the cleverscope, but I couldn't find how to do it. Any help?

Thanks in advance.

29 May 2018
Posts: 481

Hi Krishna,
You set the acquisition time by setting the time range on the scope graph. For example if the scope graph time axis went from -2ms to +8ms the acquisition time is 10ms, with samples captured starting 2ms before the trigger for a total duration of 10ms. Cleverscope always captures as many samples as are available in the buffer, so assuming you have 2 frames in the buffer (the default), you will capture the 10ms with 10ns resolution. After capture you can zoom or pan the captured samples just by changing the scope graph (or by using the tracking graph).

You can see a tour on using the Cleverscope here:

Good luck.

29 May 2018
Posts: 3


Thank you very much for the response. I've tried what you have said, but every time I need to change the time range on the scope graph to get the required acquisition time. Is there a way to set the default value? so that the same experiment can be repeated with out the need to change the time range every time. I'm using the cleverscope with LabView, so I'd like to ask you, if there is a way to set the default value through Labview?

One more question: I'm using the Cleverscope with LabView as a signal generator, and I want to turn off it after a given amount of time. Any help regarding this? (if you can provide me with an example VI that would be a great help).

Thanks in advance.

29 May 2018
Posts: 481

Hello Krishna,
Yes you can use our Labview Control Driver to directly control the Cleverscope. You can call the Control Driver and specify the start Time, Stop Time, and number of Samples to transfer back to the application. These samples are decimated from the capture buffer using the decimation rules (sampled, peak captured or filtered).

You can download the driver from our website under the Downloads/Drivers page. The latest Labview Driver is actually 2.8, and available for LV7.1, and can be read by any later version. We have some earlier versions already built for later versions also - these will work just fine. We will update the Labview drivers soon. Note the paragraph headed 'Cscope control driver' on page 1 for a note on upgrading to later versions of Labview.

In the download you will find an llb with several examples. The simplest of then is called Minimum Scope which shows the barest minimum needed to use the driver.

I attach the Labview control driver description, which is also in the download (Cscope Control Driver vi description v2.8.pdf).

You can turn off the signal generator by setting the signal generator amplitude to 0. See the Simple Scope example on how to control thesignal generator.

30 May 2018
Posts: 3

Thank you very much for the information.

17 Jun 2018
Posts: 1


I am having an issue that is related to the question before.
I do not only want to Control the acquisition time, but I really have to minimize the time Intervall that the Signal Generator is active for the acquisition. I am driving an LED with the Signal Generator, that will bleach a dye quite quickly...
Using the Minimum scope example and an acquisition time of 10msec, single measurement, a measurement Intervall of 10msec, activating the Signal Generator just before the acquisition, waiting for 680msec for the Signal Generator to update, I am able to get a trigger and can acquire data.
I am triggering on Channel B, where I Monitor the Signal Generator s Output. I don t use any filtering in the acquisition.
If I reduce the time between Signal Generator update and acquisition the device won t find a trigger and will not deliver samples . The challenge right now is, that the ON-time for the LED is much too Long for the dye to survive ) total Illumination time is 1.4 sec for 10msec of samples.
Perhaps I did not understand the working principle for the acquisition fully yet and I don t take benefit of all the nice functions the Driver/device offers.

Would it be possible to receive a short outline on how to minimize the Signal Generator s ON-time for a 10 msec acquisition?

Thanks a lot

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