Firmware update

Firmware update, a forum discussion on Cleverscope Mixed Signal USB Oscilloscopes. Join us for more discussions on Firmware update on our Installation Issues forum.

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3 Jul 2019
Posts: 5

I am currently using the CS448 oscilloscope.
the firmware version is 7016.
Is there a newer firmware version?

How can I know which firmware belongs to what model?

Thanks, I advanced.

4 Jul 2019
Posts: 481

Hello Daniel,
Rom Loader 7.1 and above knows which kind of CS448 you have, and will load the correct firmware file. The current firmware is 7218.cmf for your version, and the Rom Loader will choose it.

let me know how you go.

13 Aug 2019
Posts: 5

Hello Bart,
Just upgraded the firmware to 7218 version.
at first glance everything fine.

I noticed that 7318.cmf file available. is it a new version that compatible to CS448 oscilloscope?

13 Aug 2019
Posts: 481

Hello Daniel,
Version 7218 is used for CS448 version 1.2 main boards, and version 7318 is used for CS448 v1.3 main boards. Rom Loader will automatically choose the correct version. They are not compatible. Yours is a v1.2 main board.


13 Aug 2019
Posts: 5

Ok, got it.

One thing I noticed is the signal is saturated at the level of 0.92V.
What I am missing out?

I checked the datasheet and saw there are two dynamic ranges: +-0.8V and +-8V.
how can I choose the dynamic range of the analog input channels?

13 Aug 2019
Posts: 481

Hello Daniel,
There are two ranges and they are automatically chosen dependent on the Channel amplitude axis range on the Scope graph. If you set the scope graph outside the range -0.8V to +0.8V the higher range will be chosen. You can use 10x probes to increase the ranges to +/-8V and +/-80. Set the probe multiplier under the Control Panel Analog Channels Probe setting. If you use x100 probes the ranges will be +/-80V and +/-800V. The analog amplitude on the Scope graph automatically adapts to the probe setting.

If you know you have a signal that is smaller than the bottom range, you can lock the bottom range on, using the 'Lock Channel Range' buttons on the Scope Display amplitude axis.

13 Aug 2019
Posts: 5

Hey, again Bart
pleas see tho pic attached.

as you can see, the amplitude of the generator is 4 vpp.
why is the signal clamped?

14 Aug 2019
Posts: 481

Hi Daniel,
You are absolutely right, that should not be happening. There are two possible causes:
1. There is a fault in the digitizer, and it is not switching ranges.
2. The channel range lock is on, even though it should not be.

Please test this as follows:
1. While acquiring with Auto, click the Range lock button (the one with the lock symbol) On and Off. If this makes no difference -
2. Set up Channel B with the same amplitude axis, and input the signal to channel B. If the signal is not clipped, then we will need to help you. Please send us an email at

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