Find views: Signal Generator and Trigger 2 Setup

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AndersBogga AndersBogga

21 Feb 2020
Posts: 12

When I change from one set up of multiple screen a certain View Display can get lost. One way to fix that is to go to Task Manager -> Right click list window -> Maximize, and then resize and move it to where I want it.

There are two windows that are really hard to get back if they get lost; Signal Generator and Trigger 2 Setup. They dont exist as own processes or windows.

One way to get those back is to activate them, connect to an external screen put on "Displays are docked" and then move the windows around untill they pop up. It would be nicer if there was a "bring to front" button or something like that.

2 Apr 2020
Posts: 481

Hi Anders,
Version 55 of the app does support bringing all the windows back to the left factory defaults on the left hand side of the main display. Use Window/Default Window positions.
AndersBogga AndersBogga

9 Apr 2020
Posts: 12

Brilliant, that works great!
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