Labview: Memory is full

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3 Apr 2020
Posts: 6

Sometime comes LABView: Memory is full

3 Apr 2020
Posts: 481

Hello Dipenkumar,
We have been having problems with that as well, and have a new version (480855) available for download which improves memory usage a lot. Please load this and let us know how it goes.


3 Apr 2020
Posts: 6

Hi Bartschroder,

i have tried with both versions. After newstart of Laptop, it works fine for one time but after that Oszi triggered only with 1 Hz no matter of time scale adjustment. When time scale come in range of 100uS or lower then came above error.

Best Regards,

7 Apr 2020
Posts: 481

Hello Dipenkumar,
We need a bit more information. If the FRA frequency range is greater than 1 in 1M (eg 1 Hz to 1MHz) you may get this problem. The only current solution is to reduce the frequency range ratio (eg 10 Hz to 1 MHz). We are working on solving this problem but it is a big fix.

You may also get this problem if the Frequency Range/Frequency Resolution is >= 1M.

Please do a File/Save as, and send us the resulting .apc file so we can see what your setup was when you got the memory full error. You can send it to Thanks.

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